Wednesday 13 November 2013

Overcome Infertility --Assisted Hatching

Conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term. Artificial insemination is defined as placing sperm of the male partner by using medical advance technological instrument into the female reproductive tract through a method other than sexual intercourse. It is used when the male partner is diagnosed with low sperm count and motility or when a woman is diagnosed with ovulation or cervical mucus problems In this article, we will discuss assisted hatching: definition, effects, side effects and risk of conventional medication in treating hormone imbalance.

1. Definition
By using chemicals, mechanical technique or laser, your reproductive specialist helps the embryo to hatch out of its protective layering and increases the chance of implantation into the uterus.

2. What is assisted hatching
The assisted hatching technique is only suggested to infertile couple who have failed IVF cycles , , a couple whose embryos have a particularly "hard to break into" outer layer or women older then 37 year of age.
Under a microscope by using micromanipulation techniques and during the third day of embryo development, your reproductive specialist places a tiny chemical solution on the outer coating of the embryo. which helps to open a small hole. This tiny chemical solution begins to slowly digest the protective layering, creating a small hole and steroid antibody is given in the fourth days before embryo is transferred into the female partner uterus for implantation.

4. Risk
a) Damage to the embryo.
b) Fetal complications
c) Birth defect
a) Conjoined twins
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