Friday 1 November 2013

Chinese Herbs – Wu Zhi Mao Tao (Radix Fici Simplicissimae)

Wu Zhi Mao Tao is also known as Hairy fig. The acrid, sweet and warm herb has been used in TCM as antibiotic, anti-virus, anti blood coagulation, anti-tumor agent and to treat rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis with cough, chronic bronchitis, night sweating, weakness after the illnesses, etc. as it tonifies the spleen, expel toxins, calm pain, etc. by enhancing the functions of lung, liver and spleen channels.

1. Diisobutyl phthalate
2. Amino acid
3. Saccharides
4.  β-sitosterol
5. Coumarin
6. Osoralen
7. Bergapten
8. Etc.

Health Benefits
1. Anti cancer
in the study to investigate the anticancer effect of extracts of Wuzhimaotao on cytotoxic and apoptosis of HeLa cell lines, showed that Wuzhimaotao extracts exert antiproliferative action and growth inhibition on HeLa cells through apoptosis induction which indicates its anticancer properties and deserves further investigation(1).
2. Etc.

Side Effects
1. Do not use the herb in newborn, children or if you are pregnant or breast feeding without first consulting with the related field specialist.
2. Etc.


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